Last night I had a discussion which got me all worked up. I was talking with a group of other Christians about moral legislation. There were a number of different views expressed but I came away feeling sft and liberal and rather uncomfaortable about appearing that way. I would describe myself as strongly evangelical but suspicious of black and white solutions to complex issues. There are some disturbing catch cries coming out of the Christian community at the moment. "New zeland society is falling apart sue to attacks on the family", "New Zealand is going to be overtaken by Muslims" and "Public eductation is teaching our children immorality", which I find particularly galling. I
I don't know how to deal with these views. I have gut reaction to these comments. THey offend my sensitivity to Christians giving representations of me as if I agree with 'their' views. I know there are elements of truth being expressed but nothing is ever that simple. I just wonder where Jesus has gone in all this panic?
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